Monday, April 5, 2021

Do They Have Any Policies?

I belong to a site that allows people to ask questions and have them answered by "experts".  I don't mean to imply that they are not all experts, but some of the answers are from people who have credentials but little obvious expertise.

We ten to credit people who have certain degree with a level of expertise that may or may not be warranted.  It does mean they went through a process to get that degree  and they deserve credit for that.  

What strikes me about a lot of historical questions is haw the people asking them and the ones answering them seem to think ancient people had access to knowledge they couldn't have know or would have cared.

One such example concerned what we have come to call the Byzantine Empire which was the survivor of the Roman Empire and continued for a thousand years after the fall of Rome.  While it was fairly cultured, the vast majority of people living there were not worried about whether they were Romans or something else.  It would most likely never come up as they struggled to survive the daily grind.

Even not most people have little concern for things outside their relatively small orbit.  The news is full of things like the Mars rover or a coup in Asia but most people don't really care.  Right now they want to avoid the virus and get their life back to normal.

Some politicians recognize this, all politics are local, and can connect with the people. Others, Hillary Clinton comes to mind, are brilliant but don't have that connection.  

Joe Biden is connecting with the people and because he is his popularity is likely to grow.  Sure he has issues to address but he is doing that in a real way.  

Republicans continue trying to fight the last war but so far it isn't resonating.  Maybe it because the messenger was the message?

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