Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Progress or Morass?

 Most of us have had to deal with the impact of the Pandemic for the last year and it has been tiring.  Some had to deal with the immediate impacts as emergency workers and that was. n many cases, horrific.

The majority of us may or may not have had an actual encounter with the disease either via a close family member or ourselves.  Of course the impact of the disease varies and any one person's experience is unique to them.

In many ways as the Pandemic starts to fade thanks to the vaccines and preventative measures we also are experiencing a wave of Government inspired optimism as we the relief package pushed through and a number of other initiatives being proposed.  The problem is these could be blocked via filibuster.

It would be nice if we could actually debate proposals with the objective of reaching a compromise.  It doesn't seem that Republicans want to do that, even if they pretend.  Almost certainly if substantial changes were made without an ironclad agreement to then pass the result.

In the current political environment that doesn't seem possible but attempts are being made.  Some things may have to wait until the next election but that is a bit too long for many of these initiatives.

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