Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Can we Talk? Doesn't Seem Like It

 Its very hard to argue with a position that has no real basis in reality.  For example, people argue that Democrats want to take away their guns.  Well maybe some extreme one do, I'm not sure anyone actually supports such a position, certainly not the party or its leadership but that argument goes like this.

    You want to take our guns.

    No we want reasonable gun control.

    That's just your scheme.

    No, it isn't.

    Yes it is.

and so on.  When someone accuses you of lying without proof its hard to have a reasonable exchange.

So many issues are now framed this way.  Guns is just one of the issues, most of them seem similar.

Take the recent idiocy about objecting to people wearing masks in public.  He is trying to cause confrontation.  Now wearing a mask is not different than wearing a hat.  If it offends you its really just your problem.  the fact that a fox news hypocrite told his viewers to raise an objection and to file false child abuse reports is actually dangerous and probably illegal.

This is all he has left to do, try to get attention by causing issues.

Its sad.

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