Thursday, April 1, 2021

Stay Vigilant

 I generally find it interesting that one argument I have seen by Trumpsters is that 74 million American wouldn't have voted for him.  Of course they believe 80 million Americans voted for a senile, sex abuser who is controlled by the radical left among others.

I guess they dispute that 80 million American voted for him since this conspiracy controls that process and could elect anyone they want.

Why they don't use that power more is the question.

It adds some weight to the argument made by some that Democracy doesn't work because the people can't be trusted.  Of course it has some weight and the choice you have to make is to hope it will make the right decision.

Democracies in the Ancient world are pretty rare, they tend to fall prey to internal or external threats.  Athens Greece is sometimes held up as the home of Democracy but Democracy there made it a strong City State until it led to disaster.

Its a complex story but they fell under the influence of a Charismatic politician who convinced them to disastrously attack a city in Sicily.  It didn't go well and weakened them so much that there real enemy was finally able to defeat them.

The other great ancient Democracy Rome did better in many ways but eventually also fell to charisma and autocracy.

Will modern democracies do any better?  Hard to say but we just had a scare in this county.

The odds are against us but we survived that one.

Stay vigilent.

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