Sunday, April 25, 2021

Find Spin to Use, Hurry!

 Sometimes I see certain media personalities or Republican politicians say things that make me scratch my head.  For example at a recent hearing a Republican congressman tried to berate Dr. Fauci about when he was going to let Americans be free again.  Now the doctor did fine but the question is does this congressman not understand how Government works or was he simply hoping for media clips?

Well he got the latter and maybe there is an audience that will like his position, but he knows the restrictions are done by various levels of Government, and that the CDC issues guidelines which are guidelines, not directives.

Is being told you have to wear a mask to go into a shop more of an issue than being told you have to wear shirts and shoes?  Businesses can set rules that you comply with or leave.  

Take the insistence they have of blaming China for what happened here.  They know that the location is a matter of chance and if they believe it was an attack then that just reveals ho woefully unprepared the previous administration was.  

The only thing they seem to worry about is tricking enough Americans into voting for them.  They try to figure an angle on every issue they can use but generally they can't find any.

They still push the big lie about election fraud so they can tinker with voting to give themselves advantages.  Its a bit of a desperate act but its all they got.

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