Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Money Talks

 What most people don't think about is how we as a country are unable to match other countries in the services we provide, either by cost or quality.  Our health system works for wealthy people but for everyone else it is mediocre at best.  Our social programs including old age pensions and unemployment insurance are well behind everyone else, in the industrialized world.

The one thing we are ahead in is our military might but if we could measure efficiency we wouldn't do well there either.  There are a lot of politics involved in where to put bases, what weapons to buy and where to station them.  

The real problem with our system is that politicians get involved too far into the business end.  In many countries they rely on professionals to run the departments.  Politicians set direction.

This is true at every level of Government in this country.  Treating people equally was one of our principles.  Now it seems to be you get what you can pay for.

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