Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Companies and Politics

 If I am buying a product what I am mostly interested in is product attributes, quality, price, etc.  In a capitalistic country there are often many or at least a few choices, so I generally eliminate those that cost too much and compare the rest.

I cant really say what other people do, but it turns into an elimination with one survivor.  Now sometimes I know I'm going to buy a particular product because maybe I had it before and it was really good.

Over the years on of the factors I consider is how the company impacts me or things I believe in.  For example if a company is know for employing oppressed child labor, I would eliminate their products.  Unfortunately this isn't as easy as it sounds because a lot of work is parceled out to subcontractors so individuals may or may not be able to tell easily.

It can also be tricky when you have competing elements.  Maybe the company is reducing its carbon footprint (good) but using child labor by contract (bad).

However, the one thing I know that matters to all of them is the money I spend.  So if the company is actively trying to subvert an election or supports candidates I consider bad or actually evil I can avoid their products.

Some call this cancel culture I call it choice.  They decided to use the money they earn to promote issues I consider bad or harmful.  So buying a product like "My Pillow" would effectively be endorsing that man's ridiculous claims.

I actually agree with Mitch McConnel in part on this, Corporations should stay out of politics.  Of course he still wants them to donate millions of dollars to his candidates, he just doesn't want them objecting to things like racism.

Its all or nothing Mitch.

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