Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Just Confuse Then Enough

 Free and hones elections is a worthwhile goal.  The fact that we have achieved it mostly is a victory.

In some states the achievement was helped by the pandemic which forced some states to make voting easier in response.

While the impact of this was a bit unclear politically, it did not result in any particular irregularities although there were many attempts to find some.  Every potential instance of an irregularity was pointed out even if it didn't make sense and further wouldn't have changed anything.

In some cases ballots were mailed to old addresses because the voter had not updated the information in the system.  Whether this resulted in any of those ballots being cast fraudulently is unknown but very unlikely.  Many of them were returned as undeliverable, the reason we know about the issue.  Now people not updating systems with a change of address and the post office returning undeliverable ballots is not voter fraud, its simply life. 

One researcher in Wisconsin got permission to do his own audit.  It seems he found about 6000 absentee ballots that did not have their corresponding envelope with them.  OK, but we know they arrived and the ballot was clearly counted correctly.  Outside envelopes are supposed to be signed and checked as eligible before it is opened and these likely were.  Why the envelopes got separated is unknown.  Not fraud or anything even close.

Lets discuss a simple fact that came out in a backhanded way.  Many minority voters are not particularly good at following complex instructions.  Some of this is because they received lower than average educations or because they simply don't like red tape.  Making the process to vote more complex will cause more of their ballots to be thrown out.  Yes it will also have an impact on some white voters but it will be disproportionate.  

Maybe just enough to win a close election.

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