Thursday, April 8, 2021

The Government

 When I think back to the years of my childhood, while I knew my family had some problems I never thought the country did.  I didn't know or think about racial equality, poverty, treatment of homosexuality, or poverty.  I think I took the words of the Superman show to heart, we stood for Truth, Justice, and the American way.

Yes of course there were criminals, in those days they seemed to be aprehended fairly easily in the shows on TV.  I guess it wasn't so easy in real life.

Thsi was of course a fantasy world and all the problems we have today existed then.  ome were much worse with open persecution of people of color and people of different sexual preferences.

Its almost impossible to compare the world where sodomy or unnatural sexual behavior would get you arrested in most states to today where we argue of what pronouns to use.

What we seem to have lost was the concept of "The American Way".  Is it a world where we have less and less Government or a world where a benign Government protects people and helps them achieve things like the right to vote, health care and old age security.

In the modern world I don't see that the first alternative can work and many of those championing it are tremendously dependent on the Government.  They just want it to help the "right" people.

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