Monday, April 12, 2021

Meaningless Issues

 One of the odd things that goes on in this country is that people get outraged over things that don't really matter.  For example look at the outrage many had over Hillary's use of a private e-mail server.  Nothing bad happened because of that and it was probably a perfectly reasonable solution, but even today the right wing media has a hissy fit about it.

Once it got raised the mainstream media felt the need to cover it also making a no issue into a significant issue indeed.  The fact that her aide's husband was a letch and had his laptop confiscated was maybe the final nail when duplicate e-mails were discovered on it.  

All about an issue that never had any potential downside.  Hillary was not a traitor nor did she traffic in children and her e-mails were generally simply a method to conduct business.  We are a gullible nation and what was probably a good faith effort by her attorneys to exclude personnel e-mails was depicted as an attempt to hide ...what?  The public never sees most e-mails in the first place and not seeing these changed nothing, except perhaps enough votes to matter.

So since and before the last election the right has been trying to find some meaningless issues to turn into  scandels.   They seem to have settled on Hunter Biden as a good line of attack but so far have failed to come up with anything.

Sure he got his job because of his name, not the first person, but there is no evidence it made a bit of difference not that his father was involved in anything.

I'm not even sure what the thing would be, but that doesn't matter to the right.  They just want negative headlines about nonsense with the a negative connotation and the Biden name attached.  It has been enough in the past.

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