Thursday, April 29, 2021

Government Is For the People

 Last night President Biden laid out a path to improve America and the lives of its people.  It was an uplifting message addressing real issues.

You might disagree with parts of it or maybe the whole thing, it does require that Government grow and reflects a view of our country that trends back to the New Deal, or Great Society vision of the Country and the Government.  Some feel that American greatness is defined by individual achievements, and that less Government is better. 

That works out for the few, not the many.  In countries where we a dog eat dog culture, we see most dogs not doing very well.  We have started to see that happening here.

Government has always been the only one that can level the playing field.  Income inequality is at an all time high in this country and it hasn't trickled down much.  Wealthy people like to get wealthy and many of them have earned it, but getting wealthy doesn't help many others really.

Economics can be complex and confusing, but concentrating wealth in the hands of the few is not.  In Ancient Rome we see a similar issue as the empire led to similar income disparities.  The rich sometimes made gestures to the public via monuments or sponsoring games.  They also had no trouble enslaving them when they could.  When it was a Republic it was comprised of many free farmer citizens.  When it fell it was big estates worked by slaves.

The Government once owned by the rich is a dangerous thing.

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