Saturday, April 10, 2021

So Far So...

 Since the election we are starting to see a lot of good things.

It is exactly opposite of the dire predictions made by the opposing candidate but in all honesty it is a bit too early to celebrate.

Still one of the problems with the opposition is their tendency to be dramatic so they predict immediate collapses.

The Stock Market, Jobs, Virus handling and even foreign affairs are all showing improvements.  There has been an influx of migrants at the border which has led to some issues, but whatever needs to be done can be funded with money from the wall.  There are no long term consequences from the current situatin although you would think based on right wing media it is a catastrophic event of some sort.

Will the stock market continue to rise?  It looks that way because of the influx of money and the reopening of the states.  

Jobs will return but many of the old jobs won't but new ones will take their place.  In the movie, the Graduate, the hero was advised that plastics was the wave of the future.  Now climate may be.

Some things are outside of our control.  For example an increase in volcanic activity could counteract some of the Greenhouse effect.  An asteroid hit could be in fact catastrophic.

For the things we can influence, it is looking good right now.

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