Sunday, April 11, 2021

Not Enough Options

 Whether we can pass the laws needed to move America forward is questionable at this point.  We will need a revival of bipartisanship or some special procedural actions.

Of course this is politics and the outcome depends on who can negotiate the ins and outs better.  Obstruction is easier and to defeat it you need a groundswell of public support.

Its a bit of a shame that we have become a two party system where both parties have taken control of funds for many candidates.  Yes candidates can appeal to an old constituency if they get well known, but most need central party support.

This tends to keep them in line.

Both parties have become "big tent" parties meaning that they have to accommodate quite dispartate views.  The majority of people in this country are really moderates.  There is no moderate party per se although right now the Democratic party seems closest.

In both parties, your desire for oe issue forces you to accept issues you don't like or want.  If you are anti Abortion, you would tend towards Republican and then be forced to support things like voter suppression, even if you never would personally.


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