Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Easy Violent Living

 We have grown so accustomed to mass shootings in this country that when we hear someone shot three people and killed one of them we think its not a big deal.

Unless of course its someone in your family.

Shame on us.  The constitution might not spell out the right to live, we did that much earlier.  We also declared famously that its an inalienable right.

Apparently not.  

I don't have any issues with people owning guns unless they use them to shoot other people.  Even accidental shootings should face significant penalties.  A gun is a dangerous item and if you decide to own one you are responsible to secure and safeguard it.

We probably should screen the people buying them but screening won't stop most of them.  We just saw how ineffective a red light law can be.

Further, if something sets you off, your prior exemplary life will allow you to get the weaponry you now want.

Most shooters aren't planning to do it.

We just make it easy.

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