Friday, April 16, 2021

Party of No?

 There are curious things going on in Congress as Republicans seem ready to oppose everything, including their own bills as a strategy to maybe prove that they eren't the only ones who got nothing done

For instance there are a number of bills started under the last administration that were Republican initiatives.  Specifically controlling big tech and China.  These were major goals.

Now the Democrats are prepared to move those bils out of committee only to face staunch Republican opposition.  The motive seems to be "just say no".

This didn't work in the war on drugs and it won't work here.  The question is going to be on of accountability.

With the friendly propaganda media they will be able to get friendly air time to make their case.  That case seems to be to argue that the bills could be better.

Well couldn't everything?  There are plenty of common sense expressions about this behavior, throwing out the baby with the bathwater, don't sacrifice good for perfect, etc.

Either you want to pursue actions against big tech and China or you don't.  They want to oppose these bills as bad bills and still claim they want to do what the bills do.

Cake ownership while eating it comes to mind.

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