Tuesday, April 13, 2021

His Tweets are Boring?

 One of the things I see a lot on TV is the apparent expectation that thepeople being questioned know everything and are simply refusing to tell us.  For example after the election there was a surge at the border of migrants and unaccompanied children. This has happened in prior years but this one seems to be larger.

The press demands to know why it happened and why we weren't better prepared to house the children?  I get a kick out of the Republicans who demand to know why the Biden Administration didn't make the prior administration build more adequate facilities and continued to use the existing inadequate ones.

Well his magic wand was probably at a repair shop.

It is amazing how in a relatively short time the administration has gone a long way towards controlling the virus, passing a covid19 relief bill and has started to address other pressing issues like infrastructure, climate change and gun control   It has also taken action to relieve conditions among the migrant children which is of course being attacked as too expensive.

Outside of the true believers most Americans are seeing this for what it is.  The polls reflect what should be obvious, they see Biden looking for real solutions and support the effort.  Stop the virus, fix the roads and bridges, improve the climate, and move the economy forward is a winning agenda for all of us.

Getting things done is important, obstructing progress isn't.

Simple enough.

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