Saturday, April 17, 2021

How Much Government

 One of the issue facing Republicans is how much Government do they really want.  As a party they have always officially wanted small Government but their actions indicate they don't understand this.

Take their position on Abortion, a major issue concerning their supporters.  Why should the Government be involved in decisions being made by individual women?  I suppose the argument is that it is akin to murder except of course that requires the Government to define the fetus as a person and that takes the Government down a rabbit hole it needs to stay our of.  They may argue it is a sin but of course their is the whole separation of church and state problem then.  

Take their position on numerous social issues as another example.  They want to regulate the internet because it is violating people first amendment rights.  It can't since the internet is not part of the Government.  Second, we had a law that required media to provide equal time which the Republicans tossed out.  By any standard we are talking cake and eating it to in those positions.

They rail against cancel culture which is in fact completely non Government by its nature.  How do they want the Government to act there?  Get involved or stay out of it?

The list goes on.  They are often pushing for more Government not less.  Of course they want to censor those stories as best they can.  

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