Thursday, April 22, 2021

One Case is One Case.

 Based on the reactions it appears that a certain number of Americans feel that kneeling on a persons neck is appropriate if he feels threatened?

I understand that police have a difficult job but we seem to have people in this country and on the media that don't want to apply common sense to the real world.  We have a clear video showing a police officer kneeling on the neck of a subdued potential offender long after he was a threat while bystanders called for him to be allowed to breathe.

Even if I assume that the officer did not think that death was going to be the outcome, how is this defensible?  Why facing that overwhelming evidence did the officer think a trial was the way to go?

Unfortunately police officers and white police officers in particular sometimes think there is an us vs them situation in this country.  There is to some extent, but between the extremes there are the great majority that apply common sense.

If you think the outrage was because the "real" people were trying to appease the agitators you are mistaken.  Everyone is one of the real people and no one is to be treated like an animal.

I'm not fond of the slogan "Black Lives Matter" because it leaves out part of the message.  They matter just as much as everyone else's, not more, not less, just the same.  Too often that not the actuality.

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