Monday, April 19, 2021

Elect the Best

 There have been some stolen Presidential elections just not the latest one.  Technically winning the electoral college while losing the popular vote is not a steal but in reality it is.

It as if one team outscored their opponents but the game was awarded to the team with the fewer points based on some obscure rule, say led after 3 quarters.

Elections should be won by whoever gets the most votes so we know that two recent ones were not.  Still because we are or were a nation of law abiding rules followers the results were generally accepted.

Now the last election was lost in both methods of counting.  It really wasn't close overall although close in some states.  Yet we have deniers and had an insurrection of sorts on January 6th.

How is this acceptable to any American?

We should all want open and free elections because we are one country.

The person we elect should be of any race or any gender, as long as they are the best qualified.

It shouldn't be that hard.

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